Minggu, 20 September 2009

The Legend of Biowolf

Late at night, when the village people are sleeping in peace, never they know, something evil is lurking outside the village, looking for fresh blood and meat for dinner. Biowolf sense something wrong and alerted. He jumps from the bed, swinging his sword and killed his warriors.

So Biowolf was feeling so guilty that he weep and whine the whole night. His girlfriend try to comfort him but he keeps whine. The lazy one comes and tell him a lost symbol about the future. Biowolf stunned, can't believe what he has just heard.

To normal people, knowing the future is a benefit. It doesn't work like that to Biowolf. To him, the future is scary. Know something before it happened would be a nightmare. Annoyed by the future teller, Biowolf beheaded him, and hang the head on the gate as a warning to other.

That's how it's all going. The future is coming and aliens are falling from the sky. Their plane come in thousands, ready to colonialize the earth. This is a battle for Biowolf, to defend his home planet from the aliens.

The war begin in a second. Biowolf run out of spell book and escape. The earth is conquered by aliens the human kind become a slave forever.

Biowolf stays in a cave, deep in the amazon jungle, wait for the right time to counter attack. He waits and waits, but the chance never come, the time never right. And so, he become old and weak.

He died a week later.