Rabu, 08 September 2010

Chemical Building Explosion Injured 3 People

Chemical buildng
Chemical warehouse located at Jalan Raya French number 88 E Village Benda, Tangerang exploded and resulted in three people who were in them were injured.

They are namely Mustopo (30), Kurdish (42), and Girsang (10), son of Kurdish. This third person should receive intensive care at the Tangerang District Hospital due to severe injuries. The explosion itself occurred on Monday, September 6 yesterday.

Based on data in the field, the explosion was triggered by a short circuit short circuit, Tuesday (09/07/2010). Spark is then grabbed the flammable chemicals.

Observation in the field, it can be seen destroyed two warehouses. A number of personnel from Police Headquarters PUSLABFOR continue to look though the crime scene.

Unfortunately there was no comment from the owner of the building and officers PUSLABFOR. Even some journalists who tried to clarify exactly kicked out warehouse.