Rabu, 22 September 2010

Bad Weather, Suramadu Bridge Closed

suramadu bridgeBad weather struck the area along the Suramadu bridge this afternoon. As a result, the manager in this case, PT Jasa Marga, had to close and banned jacket users, whether it is two wheels and four for crossing the bridge over the 5.4 miles.

Head Suramadu Toll gate, PT Jasa Marga, Suharyono, said the closure is due to bad weather, where it was raining heavily stained by high winds. From the reports coming in, the wind velocity in the middle of the bridge span reaching up to 40 knots.

"Just to anticipate undesirable thing, we had to shut down services Suramadu bridge crossings. That's because the weather is not friendly around anymore, "he said, reached by cell phone, on Wednesday (22/09/2010).

Suharyono explain, for the closure itself lasts approximately 20 minutes. Where, for all service users, both the island of Madura and Surabaya purpose forbidden to cross. For those that already exist in the middle span, some are being forced back toward the toll booths.

The existence of these temporary closure, making the conditions around the toll booths are filled with two-and four-wheel vehicles. Most, according Suharyono, still look patiently and lined up, waiting for the weather returned to normal. There are no significant constraints, only slightly delayed pedestrian flow.

"After all, the closure itself does not last long, so most users are willing to wait Suramadu bridge services," he said.

Suharyono added, the temporary closure due to bad weather was not so influential and lasts briefly. Only, he is still doing a precaution because the weather is still not normal, thick clouds which rain was still coloring in coloring around the bridge Suramadu.

"If it's bad weather again, we did not hesitate to go back closure. That's all for the safety of service users, "he explained.

Meanwhile, legislators Bangkalan, Sofiullah Syarip stated, is very mengapreasiasi steps undertaken by PT Jasa Marga, as operator Suramadu Bridge. According to him, such steps as a professional in serving customers.

He considered, not merely seek profit, but also think about the safety of user services. "That steps that need to be appreciated, at least have provided a sense of security and comfort for passengers," he said.